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Monday, September 27, 2010

MUSICIAN SPOTLIGHT-Melodee McDonnell, The Golden voice in SL - Sandy Demina Reporting...

Staff Reporter
• Monday, September 27, 2010
Melodee McDonnell debut in world was  during early 2008 with appearances on SLCN.TV, countless grand openings, charity events like the Pink Ball for Breast Cancer, Toys for Tots and SL's Birthday Bash 2008 and 2009.

Still going strong in 2010, Ms McDonnell's SL group has topped 500 members. Her powerhouse vocals and 4 octave range have wow'd SL audiences time and time again. Melodee's fans have described her voice "like fine wine", specifically " 76' Chardonnay" "smooth, yet powerful" and "you never know what Mel will be singing next, she has an incredible repertoire" and sings with passion and vulnerability.

Her formal vocal training began at age 12 and continued into her 20's. 2006 marked the release of her debut CD "Possibilities" She is currently workin on her next CD-due for release in 2010. 

SLE Interview

SANDY:Where are you from?MELODEE: United States Western

SANDY:How long have you been playing music? MELODEE: The age of 6yrs I began vocalizing and was quickly recognized as gifted vocally by teachers and my parents

SANDY:Let's talk about SL, How did you discover it?                                                         MELODEE: CTM Underwood asked me to come to Second Life specifically to perform..he felt i would be appreciated here and he was right!

SANDY:Did you ever think to use your real name for what you usually do in Second Life?MELODEE: No, I never thought to use my rl name.

SANDY:Can you describe your experience in SL, What do you like to do when you were not playing? Do you like to go to live music events or  art exhibits?MELODEE: I have very little free time in SL ... Most of my time is spent performing, rehearsing, researching new material, sound work etc... During my free time I dabble in Photography and this year have begun doing commercial work in SL. All of the photos here I did myself. I find it relaxing and challenging.

SANDY:What has influenced you to get  to where you are today musically?
MELODEE: So many artists have influenced me from The Carpenters, Olivia Newton-John, Lindsey Buckingham, Sarah Brightman and others; but from a very young age I have had an inner drive to perform and perfect my art.

SANDY:Do you think SL could be a valid showcase for your RL works?
MELODEE: Yes, SL is an amazing virtual showcase for what we create in RL!

SANDY:How would you describe your style? MELODEE: Ambient is a recognized term, personally i would describe myself as simply emotional. My voice is my instrument and unlike playing a piano or violin or guitar I am at the mercy of my vocal chords, I battle allergies , dry conditions in western USA. Preparing for a concert and taking care of my instrument are always top prioritises. So that being said I often change my style based on how the "instrument" is cooperating on any given day. The best days musically are when I can manipulate my voice anyway I want from a fun rendition of "The Nanny" theme song with a New Yorker accent to "Don't Cry for me Argentina" from Evita. Its a high when I can make my voice do anything I want...

SANDY:What are the sources of your inspiration?
MELODEE: Currently my inspiration comes from the people who hear me. I've been blessed to have people contact me in RL and ask for my music and tell me what it means to them. I believe in the organic experiences in life. I really don't know where I'm going musically, I'm just going to let it take me where I am suppose to go...

SANDY:Where do you see yourself a year from now: will Second Life still exist?
MELODEE: I am not projecting that far musically speaking...but I am excited to see where I'll be..


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