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Monday, July 12, 2010

SPORTS & LEISURE-Sailing And Whaling (on Stacey)- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

Stacey lures her foe at the charity event into a state of overconfidence...
Staff Reporter
• Monday, July 12, 2010
I spent a better part of Friday attending charity events. They were held in areas ranging from a wrestling ring to a sailboat race. All for a good cause, as we say.
A friend of mine named Sea Gypsy has run into some IRL difficulty. She just lost her home, and doesn't have the money to keep up her SL house. Her friends banded together to help her out with the virtual house. It's the least we could do.
I attended the sailing race, although I didn't sail. Me on a sailboat is an ugly thought, and I'd most likely have fouled up the more serious sailors. I stayed on-shore, took some pictures, and that most likely worked out for the best.
I did take part in the wrestling, so I contributed several bruises and some begging to the process. People tipped well when I was stripped (I'm one of the prettier wrestlers, and the audience hollers for my disrobing early and often), and it all went to the Cause.
There's a whole weekend of events lined up. Pop by today (9 AM SLT) to Divas to see yet another wrestling card. I'm listed as Alternate #1, even though they made that agreement with me about 3 minutes after I regained consciousness from my previous attempt at pugilistic money making.
WAR, another wrestling group, is also having a card. No, I'm not currently scheduled to be beaten up at THAT one... but I will take the beating if they ask me to. I've suffered more in the past, for worse reasons.
I'll leave a few Slurls here, so you can pop in if you wish. There will either be a donation box,or you can tip the wrestlers- who, I believe, will donate their tips (100%) to Sea Gypsy.
I'll also be dancing at Sinners and Saints off and on, and any tips I get go to the cause. I made 135 Ls last night, but I'm kinda short and small-breasted for a stripper.
Here's the S+S addy:
I know Sea Gypsy a bit, and she's a nice girl. She deserves the assistance. Trust me on this one, even though I've been dropped on my head recently.

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