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Monday, July 5, 2010

IN MUSIC-The HarperMessmer Experience- Sandy Demina Reporting...

Staff Reporter
• Monday, July 05, 2010
Everyone in SL should be sure to partake in the Harper Messmer Experience: this 100% virtual artist delights his audience with a soothing blend of pop, R&B, and rock featuring his own songs and those by some of today's popular artists.

Harper is one of the most popular artist in SL where he built a very good following.
At every gig he usually gathers his fans where they have the chance to listen to his voice just inworld.  He's not interested to pursuit any RL career.So he belongs to that group of artists who just want to perform in SL.  

Harper is very vague about his RL detail.  He just says that he comes from the United States and that he's been playing music since 2002.
His favourite instrument that he plays is the acoustic guitar and describes his style as a mix of Pop, rock, and R&B.

I asked him since he's a composer too, how long does it take to write a song or a piece of music.  He says"Well, the length depends on how inspired I am at the time. Sometimes a song will only take a few moments to construct. I spend equal time both on music and lyrics."
About his sources of inspiration he says :"I learned how to play by studying and practicing songs by the Dave Matthews Band. Crash Into Me, Ants Marching, and so many others challenged my abilities and the grind really paid off but mostly my ideas come from my own experiences,and the people around me: family, friends, fans, and complete strangers who do extraordinary things inspire me."
"Music is therapeutic - Harper says-the joy that comes with it is enough for me to continue doing it".
I asked him how did he discover SL: " I believe it started with an article on a news website.Just plain old curiosity brought me in-world" Harper says. But I never ever thought to use my real name for what I usually do in-world.".
When he's not playing, Harper enjoys listening to other performers and hopping around the grid to catch them. "It's always nice to see what sort of creative genius people can contribute to SL, so I often go also to art exhibits"-he says.

I asked him if he thinks SL can be a valid showcase for your RL works: "Yes"-Harper says- "It provides a more accessible and seemingly limitless way for people to share their talents and abilities to the world".
As many other artists, Harper opened his own music venue, and I asked him to explain  why  he started this virtual adventure and what are his aims. Is it business or just fun?
 "My place [the loft] is strictly for fun. The aim for the venue is to provide listeners with 2 hours of live music featuring 4 performers (30 minutes each set)".

Harper does not use other kind of digital promotions so Second Life represents his only (virtual) promotional tool.  
 My last question is as usual:  "Where do you see yourself a year from now: will Second Life still exist? "

"A year from now",-Harper says. "I would like to continue performing in SL in some capacity. Second Life can still exist depending on its real life "counterpart" I would like to see a growing interest with new users. As long as SL can consistently bring in new people, the meta-verse should be okay".

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