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Saturday, March 20, 2010

M Linden Speaks at Gallery Opening of His “Doodle Art”- Ramon Federal Reporting...
Staff Reporter
• Monday, March 29, 2010
M Linden (Linden Labs CEO Mark Kingdon) inaugurates a virtual exhibit of his “doodle art” at the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery on the University of West Australia campus

The toast of Second Life society turned out at 3 pm SLT on Saturday afternoon, March 27, 2010, to attend the opening at the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery on the University of West Australia campus of the SL exhibition of “doodle art” by M Linden, also known as Mark Kingdon, CEO of Linden Labs. This Second Life event took place in conjunction with the opening one day earlier, in RL, of a similar exhibition at the actual University of West Australia. 
  The packed exhibition hall, full of the widest possible diversity of well-dressed avatars, played host to the artist-executive and a selection of the art works he’s produced while on the job guiding Linden Labs.

M Linden was introduced by Jayjay Zifanwe, Owner of the University of Western Australia SIM, who said: “It is an absolute honor to be hosting this art show, as the big kahuna's work is on display for the first time ever! Thank you M for allowing the University of Western Australia to play host to you!”
Then the artist himself made a few remarks.

He thanked White Lebed for curating the exhibit, and, more basically than that, for finding his extemporaneous jottings on Flickr and convincing him to treat them as art, a process that culminated in this multi-world exhibit. Calling his work “art of the ‘stolen moment’,” M gave a brief history of his transformation from a youth who planned to be a painter into a businessperson whose artistic urgings now find expression in impromptu jottings during phone calls and business meetings.

He referenced how Second Life provides a way to combine three “huge” themes: art and design, business, and technology. He talked about his artistic technique, which involves white paper and a simple ink pen, and the occasional use of blue, yellow, or green marking pens for fill-ins. He said that he doodles to “still or quiet his mind,” that it was “an expression and a method to concentrate and focus my thinking.”
During a Q&A session following his remarks, M cited his appreciation of other artists whose basic approach he shared, including Kandinsky, Klee, and Miro, saying they all showed a “bit of whimsy.” Asked if he would devote more of his time to his art work, M admitted his desire to be “not a Sunday painter, but an everyday doodler.”
One question came from this Second Life Enquirer reporter, who asked in voice chat,“Can you see all of Second Life as a big doodle, able to facilitate relaxation and concentration, while creating artistic output?”
The Linden Lab CEO, in his avatar guise, replied that “Second Life is more than a doodle. It requires more focus. It is a canvas for creativity, but more than just a doodle.”
In wrapping up, he acknowledged the help of several avatars in staging and promoting the exhibit and thanked everyone for coming, saying “Thank you all, wonderful to have you here.”
Reaction to the work itself was mixed. Some random comments from randomly-selected avatars in attendance:
Asked how she liked the event and the work, Kristina Elswit said, “My favorite is this room [of black and white interlocking squares]. The event was nicely done, It’s amazing how it seems to glow and come off the walls, I love doodles and artwork.”
Not everyone agreed. According to CARP (Cybernetical Art Research Projects) co-founder and “in RL a professional painter and exhibitor all over” Josina Burgess, “this is no art, it’s called doodling, just as Mister M says, it’s a nice way to spend some time with but never call this art. Doodles are great, but for me it has nothing to do with art.”
Rose Borchovski had a more technically-oriented take on the work, saying “It is still not rezzed for me, so, slow rezzing art.”
Flimsey Freenote was much more excited, exclaiming, “I love that M is sharing his art, it makes him part of the SL community... i love ... LOVE his art and am going to do my own video on it to play on my 5,500 prim media player.”
This view was shared by Sasun Steinbeck, a board member at Second Life Endowment for the Arts, who felt that “I think it's great that M was able to share his art with us.”
The general consensus was well expressed by Second Life Enquirer Resident Photographer Adianna Price, who, between taking photos of the event, told this reporter that she was “impressed by the size and the diversity of the crowd” and “I personally love doodles.”
Visit M Lindens  Doodle Art Exhibit @ UWA

Check out the SLE Photo Gallery for some great Snapshots at this event taken By SLE's Own Adianna Price

Reader Opinions
raphaella Nightfire
MAR 30  •  Art covers a broad range of expression. The form and the almost mathematical precision was quite absorbing and were reminiscent of some Paul Maxwell's I have here at home (RL)
White Lebed
MAR 29  •  Actually, the idea of this show wasn't about calling M's doodles art or no art. The whole point was to encourage the CEO of Lidnen Lab Mark Kingdon (aka M Linden) to go through the same process hundreds of other SL artists do - turning his real 2D works into virtual, making 3D art, showing in a gallery, presenting. Only those who are not artists nor curators can't understand the significance and importance of his involvement on this level. I am sure this experience will affect M's business decisions and hopefully will make SL a more friendly place for artists. Personally - I love the drawings and the 3D sculptures, but it really wasn't only about that :)
Persia Bravin
MAR 29  •  Nice and varied piece Ramon. I would also argue heartily with Josina Burgess that doodles are not 'art'. All art starts with a basic sketch, a starting point of ideas with pen and pencil and even the great masters used basic sketches and doodles prior to their large masterpieces. This was an incredible event and one sure to go down in SL history.

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