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Friday, January 1, 2010

Psychic Medium Linda Lauren for the Lanai Jarrico reporting

4th Generation Psychic Medium, LINDA LAUREN, has taken up residence and purchased an island, naming it Etu Abbracciare (Embrace You), in honor of her Italian heritage. Linda, along with Susan Dolinko (whose avatar name is Sumi Portola) have created an extension of their Mountainside, New Jersey Metaphysical Center in Second Life, Linda Lauren's Embracing the Universe (ETU).

Owning a metaphysical center in both Real Life & Second Life gives Linda the opportunity to reach and help even more people with her products and services.




Who is Linda Lauren? ~Lanai Jarrico reporting...

Linda Lauren is a one of a kind both in the real world and In Second Life where she uses the same name and brings her love and light into the virtual world. Having been featured in numerous publications, televisions programs, helping law enforcement, frequently doing lectures at The Learning Annex in New York City and appearing monthly on XM/Sirius show, The Focus Group.

As a 4th generation psychic medium, Linda's abilities stem back to when she was very young and would speak of her imaginary friends, only later to discover them to be long lost loved ones she had never even met.

Rather then hiding this gift, her mother and grandmother encouraged Linda, allowing her to learn how to understand and interpret her visions in order to grow.

Since then, she has used her unique abilities in many ways to help people. Beginning with meditation techniques and other relaxation methods, that help Linda to retrieve accurate information about her clients thru auras, mental images, feelings and vibrations. For many mediums, meditation is a very important part of giving readings and receiving readings too. It is also beneficial in personal development & well being for those who practice it.

In August of 2006, After hearing about Second Life from a Podcast video blog, this 4th Generation Psychic Medium from West Orange, New Jersey, was able to share her visions into Second Life. With the help of her dearest friend, business partner and personal manager Susan Dolinko, aka Sumi Portola (SL), “Embracing the Universe" (ETU) was established.

At  “Linda Lauren's Embracing the Universe Metaphysical Centers” (ETU) both in real life and in Second Life, Linda offers a comfortable and peaceful environment for her visitors, where they can come for personal and pet readings, photo sensing sessions, Reiki , yoga, crystal therapy and more.

Linda can see auras which can be any color of the spectrum, she interprets them and their meanings by creating Linda Lauren's Energy Art ™ which was featured at a Gallery Show at The Zen Shop, The Mall at Short Hills, New Jersey.  Her Linda Lauren's Energy Art™ can also be found at Seers Metaphysical Store located at the Etu Abbracciare Island, SL.

What is unique about Linda's artwork is it evokes the senses of anyone who sees them.
Linda Lauren's Energy Art™ gives the person being read a visual depiction of their energy using colors meaning specific things about that person, ensuring that, like people, no two pieces of art are ever the same.

Etu Abbracciare Island isn't only a place where avies can come for readings. Linda meets with her real friends and clients here too. Her Visitors gather for meditation sessions at public and private locations on the island.  One in particular, The Angel Meditation Retreat is a place where you can do Tai Chi or sit in a circle with your friends and see each other's Aura. The interesting thing about this is, Avatars, have there very own Aura colors and no mater how many times you stand and sit to check if it changes. It won't. I tried and Linda told me that this bluish green color that was radiating from my avie meant I'm a talker & communicator!

Besides checking your Aura, you can find Tarot Cards, Linda's SL version of her creation The Hope Deck™,  Reiki Massage tables, psychic tools, and other cool things like getting your lucky numbers from a Fortune Cookie at the Beach Cafe across from the Seers Stage.

Lectures also take place on the island for personal growth and healing.

There is a Crystal Cave where visitors can view a variety of Crystals in different colors and clusters, or shop at The Seers Shack for Linda Lauren's Energy Art ™ and other tools for tranquility.

Aside from relaxation, shopping and seeking Spiritual intervention, ETU also has a live concert venue where SL's Musicians come to perform on The Seers Stage.

With so much to see and do at Etu Abbracciare Island,  Linda also set aside a private home here and also created a beautiful Rose Garden in memory of her mother Frances. A place for her to seek comfort as well.

For many who have found soul mates in Second Life or have bonded with someone and it feels like you have known them forever, there may be a chance you have!

If you entertain the thought that there is an ever after where all energies unite beyond space and time....

The mingling of Souls over the internet isn't an off tilt idea either.  It's very much real and the longer we engage in this new found phenomenon the more the veil between our unique connections and “coincidences” become more real.

Using our natural born abilities to feel when we may be in danger, positive and negative feelings about others and trusting our gut feeling is important and for the most part, quite accurate.

From what Linda has told me, she has a very good feeling about this collaboration...and so do I.

~Lanai Jarrico

The SL Enquirer has teamed up with Linda Lauren and ETU to bring you our new Astrology Page. 

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